How to take database backup using management studio in SQL Server

Hello friends.Today we are going to learn how we can take back up of a database using management studio in SQL Server. It is quite easy to take a back up of database using management studio, just follow me with the steps that I am going to take.

I have opened the management studio on my system, now I will expand the databases node which will show me the list of databases which are already there in SQL Server. I will right click on the database for which I want to take back up. I am going to take back up of test database installed on the server. Hence I right clicked on the test database, as soon as we click on the test database, a menu will appear in front of us, Just follow the menu navigation that is shown in the above image. We will click on the back up menu that will show us a new screen as shown in the below image.

In the above screen we can see the “Add” button encircled with red color, underneath to the “Add” button there is “Remove” button, Click on the “Remove” button to clear the path(“D:\backup\nki.trn”) mentioned in the text field. Now click on “Add” button that will bring a new screen as shown in the below image.

Now we need to specify the path where we want to take the back up of the database. Just click on the button encircled with the red color (In the above image) that will bring another window in front of us.

I have specified “Database Backup” folder for taking the back up in that folder(which is residing in E Drive), after selecting the folder we need to provide a name to the backup file, Hence I have given name as “testbackup” to the backup file in the text field(encircled with blue color). Click on “Ok” button that will close the current window and bring us on the earlier window.

You can see in the above image the path specified by us and file name of the backup is showing up in the text field (encircled with blue color). Click on “OK” button that will close the above window and bring us on the below mentioned screen.

We can see in the above image, the path specified by us is showing up in the text field. Now we are just one step behind to take the backup. Just click on “OK” button and the backup will be there at the specified location. Once the backup is done, a pop up message will be there to intimate us that backup has been taken completely.

This article is only applicable for taking up full backup of a database. There are different types of backups in SQL Server that I will cover in my forthcoming posts. Till then take care and have a good day.

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