Getting Started with SQL Server Management Studio

Good Morning Friends, In my last post we just talked about different utilities those are installed while installing the SQL Server. Today, we will start studying SQL Sever Management Studio and its different features.

In my last post I posted the screen shot of the SQL Server Management Studio, Let me post one more picture of Management Studio so that you can easily co-relate the explanation with the picture.

When we login to the SQL server the above screen appears, at the right side of the picture you can see that there are 5 folders and one other menu SQL Server Agent.

3)Server Objects
6)SQL Server Agent

I am going to describe briefly about all the items listed above and in my subsequent articles, I will explain all the items in detail.

Databases:-Database folder contains 4 other sub folders.
i)System databases:- It consists 4 default databases and I have already explained about those databases in my earlier post.
ii)Database Snapshots:-It contains the snapshot of the source database when it is created.
iii)Report Server database:-It contains all the metadata and data for reporting services.
iv)Report Server temp DB:-It is used by reporting services for storing temporary objects and intermediary result-sets.

Security:- It contains all the objects related to SQL Server security, like Login and roles and other objects.

Server Objects:- This folder contains all server objects like, Linked Server,Triggers, End Points.

Replication:- This folder contains the information about the publications and subscriptions.

Management :-This folder contains all the information about maintenance plans, database mails configurations and Policy management.

SQL Server Agent:- It contains information about jobs, Alerts, operators and proxies.

In My next post we will start working with SQL Server Management Studio.
Next post will be about how to create a user database through wizard and through SQL script.
we will also learn different options available while creating the database.

Have a good day...

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