Beginning of learning...

Hello everyone...Good morning  to all...I was quite busy with my work, hence I could not write any article on SQL since one week. I am not going to write big stories or lot of text here otherwise there will not be any difference between my blog and other's blogs. I will try to teach you line by line whatever I have learnt during my tenure in IT. So lets start..with very basic things..Whatever I am going to write in this blog will be based on SQL 2008 version.

I have installed SQL server 2008 version on my laptop, when I click on start menu and go through with all the menu items listed there, I will see below menu items there.

I will explain all the menu items listed above in detail, in my later articles. Today I will just give an overview about all the items above.

Import and Export Data(32-Bit):- This option is used for data import/export between SQL server and office tools like(Excel and Access) of 32 bit version.

Import and Export Data(64-Bit):- This option is used for data import/export between SQL server and office tools like(Excel and Access) of 64 bit version.

SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio(BIDS) :- This is basically visual studio IDE that is automatically installed on the system while installing the SQL server 2008. This is used for creating SSIS, SSRS and SSAS Packages.

SQL Server Management Studio :-This tool is used for managing server objects, databases and also used as a UI interface that is used for writing queries and managing other objects of SQL Server.

Analysis Services:- This is advanced feature of SQL Server which was integrated with SQL Server 2005 higher versions.It is used for Analysis of huge data.

Configuration Tools :- Configuration tools option consists of different types of configuration settings at server level, that includes reporting server configurations and other settings at server level.

Documentation and tutorials :- This option contains tutorials and sample of code provided by Microsoft.

Integration tools:- This option contains SSIS tools like execute package utility and data profile viewer.

Performance Tools:- This option contains advanced tools used for Query optimization like(Profiler and  database engine tuning adviser)

I know that the above description about all the options are not enough to have a better understanding but I will explain all the options in very detailed manner in my later blogs.Now lets start to learn about SQL Server Management Studio.When we click on menu "SQL Server Management Studio" , the below mentioned dialogue box will open in front of you. In the below screen shot first option is for Sever type, there are four choices available for this option

1)Database Engine
2)Integration Services
3)Analysis Services
4)Reporting Services
5)SQL Server Compact

We will select Database Engine as we are going to learn T-SQL(Transact SQL) first, subsequently we will take other options.

Second option is Server Name, Server Name is showing as "Neeraj-pc\sql208" , I had created a instance name while installing the SQL server "SQL2008", hence my server name would be PCname\SQL2008.
I can also connect with name ".\sql2008" as "." indicates the local computer.

Third option is Authentication :- What would be the mode of authentication, Windows authentication or SQL server Authentication.

If you use windows authentication you need not to put the password, it will connect with the Database engine using your windows account.

If you use SQL Server authentication, you need to put the login name and password By default Login name "Sa" is already there in SQL server and you set the password for "Sa" while installing the SQL server.

*Login Name is a server object, we will discuss it later on.

Now its time to connect with the sever and open the Management studio. lets see when we click on connect button of the above dialogue box what comes up next.

let me tell you one interesting fact, if you see above screen shot, you can see ".\sql2008(SQL Server 10.50.1617-Neeraj-PC\Neeraj)" this shows complete information about the connection made.

".\sql2008" says that its a named instance where instance name is "Sql2008" and "." shows the local computer name.

10.50.1617:  tell us about version of SQL server.

8.0--SQL 2000

9.0--SQL 2005
10.0--SQL 2008
11.0--SQL 2012

It means the above connection is made with SQL 2008 Server.

then "Neeraj-PC\Neeraj" indicates the login information, as I have connected using windows authentication mode, it is showing as PCname\Username as Login, if I had connected with server using SQL Authentication, It would  have showed as "Sa".

In the next Article we will start learning SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)...

Have a good day... 

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