How to find when last database backup/restore was done

Problem statement: - I am writing this article to address similar kind of problem that we faced in our staging environment. On our staging server there was a database named “StagingDatabase”  which was a copy of our production database. We made some changes on that database( added few columns in a table) on Friday but when we came back office on Monday , we found that all the changes which were done on Friday are missing from the database. We were surprised how our changes got disappeared from the database. We done same changes on Monday and when we came back office on Tuesday, we found that the changes which we done on Monday are also missing. Somehow we concluded that our database was being restored each day, hence our changes were being overwritten. At that point we required a script that can tell us when last restore was done on the database.
Solution: - Before I write a query to get the details when the last database restore was done, I would like to write a query when last database backup was taken.
Query for Last backup taken:-
Select a.Name, case when cast( max(backup_finish_date) AS varchar(50)) is null then 'No Backup Taken' else cast(max(backup_finish_date) as varchar(50)) end as Last_Backup_Date  from sys.sysdatabasesleft join msdb.dbo.backupset b on 

group by

Query to determine when Last Restore was done:-
Select Destination_database_name, restore_date,database_name as Source_database,
Physical_device_name as Backup_file_used_to_restore from msdb.dbo.restorehistory rh inner join msdb.dbo.backupset bs on rh.backup_set_id=bs.backup_set_id
inner join msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily bmf on bs.media_set_id =bmf.media_set_id
ORDER BY [rh].[restore_date] DESC

Through this query we found that our database was being restored everyday at 6 AM, and later on we got to know that there was job scheduled at 6:00 AM to copy production database backup and restore that backup at staging server.

Please let me know if you have any query related to this article.

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